I need to vent

It's absolutely normal to feel jealous when someone gets pregnant and you are, too, but havent yet. I completely get that feeling. But mine is a little different. I'm going through this situation but on the opposite end. I have 3 boys and just found out Monday I'm pregnant. So this will be #4 and I hope like hell it's a girl! But my cousin, who also has 3 boys, is ANGRY with me because I'm pregnant and wasn't trying and she's trying and isn't pregnant yet. She had a miscarriage over a year ago and posts about it daily more than she posts about her kids that are alive. Which is sad. I've had more than one miscarriage so I know the pain of having them and could still lose this one, but the point is that I don't think she has a right to be angry with me. She is absolutely attention seeking in everything she does in life. She was fake to my face but yesterday she decided to attention-getting on a group I am in and told them my whole life story and how one of my kids are sick with a genetic disease and how I said we were done having kids so because I'm pregnant it's somehow my fault she can't get pregnant and I don't deserve it basically because she wants it. I'm crushed that me expanding my family is Warrenton her to be angry. Jealous I completely get. But angry? And there is a reason why she isn't pregnant again. She's got 3 so it isn't that she isn't fertile, but her eyes are always jaundice and she's somewhere between 300-400 pounds. I even tried to help her and tell her how if she got her body healthier it would help her. But you can tell her liver is failing her on top of her massive weight gain. She has gotten obsessed with her miscarriage and does nothing but sit at her house while her kids run around and eat and post on Facebook memes about miscarriages. Am I wrong to be upset that she's angry at my pregnancy or is she? Just looking to see if anyone else feels it's ok for her to spread my business and be angry at me for her situation.