Storytime 😣😣


So I have a really fucked story to tell you gals.

So I am 19 years old. I just started my first year of medical school. When I was 13, my step dad got a job to work on a cabin/hotel thingy. That's where I met Cody. Cody was one of my dad's coworkers, and they got along really well. Cody started to become a father like figure to me. We hung out all the time. He took me shopping, we went to go get Starbucks together, and stuff. He was basically my father. Cody was 23 at the time. As I grew older, I developed a crush on Cody. Which eventually developed into love. Now here's the fucked up part. A little over a year ago, we had sex. I couldn't talk to him for 6 months, because I was so embarrassed. I mean, he's not married or anything, but I just don't know how to feel about the situation. Plus, it's not like I didn't want it, or didn't enjoy it, bc it was honestly the best sex I've had in my entire life. Every time my parents and I go to his house to have a game night or whatever, he tries to talk to me about it. And I keep blowing him of bc I don't want to have to deal with it..

What should I do??