Too early for Braxton hicks?

Hey ladies, this is a little long but please bear with me! 😁
I'm currently 22w+5 with my 3rd pregnancy. My 1st pregnancy was fairly easy & I had no complications until about 35 wks when I developed preeclampsia, 2nd pregnancy unfortunately ended in MC at 8 wks. This past Wednesday I started feeling very crampy (period-like cramps, not contractions) and felt a lot of vaginal pressure/pain, so I rested most the day & drank lots of water. Thursday I didn't feel any better & actually started bleeding (bright red blood consistently when I wiped, not enough to show on my pantiliner though). Went to the hospital to be safe, baby girl is doing great, all tests/ultrasound came back normal. Ever since then though I'm still crampy & the cramps have started feeling more contraction-like. Sometimes I feel them in my back, sometimes they're up front. It seems like they happen more if I've been up walking around a lot. I wouldn't say they're painful, just uncomfortable. Are these Braxton-hicks? I never experienced this in previous pregnancies, so not sure. If they are Braxton-hicks, is it weird that I'm feeling them so early (I've read they usually don't start until 3rd trimester)? Any advice is appreciated, thanks in advance!