Sad and emotional, venting...

So I was cleaning out the baby's room, which was just a stock pile of crap that I have held onto for a long time. My husband came home and I asked him to help me put a box in the car to take to Goodwill. He saw that I was taking a gift he had gotten me a year or so back and got upset. It was a toy bow and arrow set that he got me since we couldn't afford the real thing and has just been sitting around still in the package so I thought I didn't need it.

I got so emotional because I'm trying to get rid of things to make room for baby and he got mad because I am letting that item and also stuffed animal he won at the fair for me 6 years ago go. Should I keep them? Am i wrong? He said this is why he is buy me things because I will get rid of them and not appreciate them.

They are collecting dust and just sit there. It's hard enough for me to let things go in the first place (thanks mom) and when I finally start to let things go I feel guilty and horrible. I have been crying on and off for the past 4 hours due to all the hormones amd being overly emotional. It's driving me crazy and makes me want to hold onto things I was going to get rid of. I have 4 boxes of things I was going to get rid of and now I don't know what to do. We don't have the room to keep everything, but I don't want to make my husband feel like I don't appreciate what he gets me either.