Daughter born at 38w1d and only took 3 1/2 hours

I woke up yesterday morning to a pop and my water breaking . I called my dr and she said to just hang out and start timing my contractions which I wasn't even having yet . This was at 10:05. She told me most likely sh will see me around 9-10 pm . I went and took a shower like she suggested and started having contractions but they were not 10 min apart more like two . I made it to the hospital at 11:55  and by the time I got changed and hooked up the dr checked my cervix and I was already at 9cm . I was ready to push within minutes after that . My little Charlie jade was born at 1:34 with no epidural and all natural . 3.5 hours from the start of anything to baby . I am still amazed at myself