Here's my goodbye to my 1st pregnancy.

Stynna • Married for 7 years-getting ready for the next step! TTC since April 2015!
This has been a roller coaster, but the ride is now over. Within one week, I went from seeing my baby for the first time at 8 weeks and hearing the heartbeat, to bleeding and naturally passing my baby a seeing an empty ultrasound. 
My husband and I are in a bit of shock  but we know our baby is with Jesus right now and that comforts us but our hearts are hurting. 
I've been reminded of the song "blessed be your name" the Lord put that song in my heart as I needed it. I'm praising him in the good times and the difficult. He has given me peace while I praise him. His love for us has been so big. Family and friends are surrounding us with love and hugs. 
I hope to be back sooner rather than later but for now I'm going to trust God and focus on my health. 
Ladies that are still in it, try not to complain. I see a lot of girls who I know don't feel well or are uncomfortable but I would do anything to be where you are and I know many other women who feel that way too. 
Good luck to you all.