Leaking already!?

chloe🌸 • Mother of 1 little boy born on 12/13/2016 & step mother to an awesome 7 y/o.
24wks today and was leaking out of my boobs lastnight lol! Anyone else? Kinda grossed me out. 
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Posted at
Oh yeah I'm a leaker too! My poor husband forgot one night while we were having sex and squeezed my boobs, he got a good shot of it on his face 😂


Jane • Aug 23, 2016
Haha that's how I found! Mine just started squirting out last night, I barley have to squeeze and it's like a squirt gun!


chloe🌸 • Aug 23, 2016
Wow so not gonna lie, totally just squeezed my boob out of curiosity.. I don't think I've ever laughed so hard in my life lmao


Posted at
This will be my third pregnancy and I always start leaking between 22-25weeks. Seems like it's just at night or when a boob gets squished tho. Perfectly normal. You think it's bad now wait til due date time or when your milk comes in! Lol


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I've been leaking here and there since 15 weeks. It's uncomfortable sometimes but yes it happens haha


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Yep. I wake up to stains on my bedsheets. Hopefully it means I'll have a healthy supply :)