How do I help my husband achieve his health goals??

My husband is a sweet heart, very loving and caring. He is only 34. The only problem is that he sets goals and does the exact opposite of what he needs to do to achieve them.

Example one: he never finished college because he wanted to be a rich, so he dropped out of college to start playing the Mega million. 10 years later, he has no money and no education. Luckily he is shopping around for schools to finish at least an associate.

Example two: he is obese and very self conscious of the way he looks to the point that we had to postpone vacation at his request so he can exercise to look good on the beach, but he looked the same after a monthat the gym. He always talks about wanting to look good and does not like the way he is. I told him that if he doesnt like the way he is, he should change the way he is. He got motivated for a couple days started walking and biking with alone or with me because that's what i do everyday. Unfortunately that lasted a couple days only, he now tries to discourage me from doing all that bringing up things like the traffic ( we are biking and walking in a park) or the weather. His portions of food have always been big and he moves very little. I tried to nicely tell him to move more and eat a little less because he will never get results he wants if he does not work for them. It did not go well. He got offended. I think only him can change himself when he is ready. My fear is that his dad is chairbound with lymphedema, diabetes and hypertension and sleep apnea. It beaks my heart to see that at 34 he isn't taking steps to being healty.

If any of you ever found l, what did u do?

Peace y'all ❤❤❤