Confused 16 year old here🙋🏼 pretty long sorry😆

Kandace • I`m in love with this beautiful thing called life..!!
Okay so me and my boyfriend have been dating for 4 years (since I was 12 years old) yes I know that's crazy and alooong time! Well we recently broke up because we needed a break to ourselfs and he was a bit controlling but I think every teenage boy is that way while in school he was very very sweet towards me his family his awesome and he takes me to chruch every Sunday I mean that's a awesoem dude right there but we are on a break for now but then this other boy pops up in the picture and he starts texting me we have hung out 3 times and I do like him he is not afraid to show his affection but it seems like all he wants is my ass😁 (I'm still a virgin) but he is always like jokingly say get naked or you got a great ass and stuff like that and it seems alittle fishy to me like all he wants his my butt so what should I do......