Not my🌺 on his phone

I work nights and get home around 1am if my relief worker shows and I'm lucky. So last night I get home to my man on the couch passed out with his phone in his hand. I think to myself aww he passed out waiting for me to let him know I was on my way home how sweet. I kissed him woke him up and proceeded to the bedroom. We spent the rest of the night cuddled up completely wrapped in each other with him mumbling I love you (my name) randomly a few times and snoring till just before 5 30am. I woke up to him kissing me telling me how much he loved me, missed me while I was at work and wants to have another baby cuz he dreamt of it (we just lost a daughter this year ) and he thinks we ready. Love making seems so cheese to say but that's what it was. That close intimate sensation that floods your soul when you are truly in love and have been through it all together. It was amazing! He got up started getting ready for the day and his phones alarmclock went off... so I did what I always do I reach over and shut it off check the time close the app and go back to sleep... except today when I closed the alarm his phone went directly to his messaging app to an open pic message from an ex of his. And yep it was her 🐈 all spread out up close and personal. I felt sick. Especially cuz she supposedly was a friend of mine and his after they split up, and he had just finished being so amazing. I just left it grabbed you keys while he was in the bathroom left the phone on the bed open to what I saw and drove away. What else could I do. Needless to say he called instantly and the fight began... what do I do now.... I know i can't be the only one this has happened to.... help how did anyone deal with this. It's so messed up...