Pregnant Cat...

C • 🦄 ✨Your average 19 year old princess✨🦄
Slightly jealous of my Cat haha, never thought I would say that!!
(I capitalise Cat because that's her name - don't judge) 
Anyway, in 3-4 weeks we will be welcoming these little bundles of joy into the world. We didn't intend for her to get pregnant but my mum let her out of the house during her season - uh oh. 
She's a Maine Coon - the father is a black cat, probably mixed breed.
If anyone lives in the UK or around London/Bath and wants a kitten please let me know! These kittens won't be sold, I'll simply want to interview you and make sure these kitties will go to a good home! 
She looks less fluffy because we had her shaved due to the warm summer we had. She's usually a fluffball.