Was he just trying to humiliate me?😭😡🤔

The long and short of my situation (p.s. I'm 34yo, very upset, and REALLY need adult opinions so I hope this falls under the 'adult relationships' section): OK- so I've known a guy for a couple years now, and when we see each other we flirt....ALOT...serious flirting!! He broke up with his on again/off again GF 4 months ago. The other night I saw him where I currently work (which is where he previously worked; we never worked together, but it's how we met) and I laid it out to him in plain English that I "know his type- he'll flirt with any girl just for an ego boost, but that I 'needed a distraction' because I'm going through an extremely stressful situation" (which has nothing to do with another relationship/man or anything like that; I told him the situation- it's a legal thing and I explained that in plain English as well). He kinda laughed it off like I wasn't serious. THEN he came back and we continued our convo/flirting and I told him I wasn't playing around. He said "I'm not looking for a relationship; just got out of one; trying to buy a house etc etc" to which I said "I never said anything about a relationship!!"  He told me he had frozen groceries in the car and had to get them home. 
My question is: WHY DID HE TURN ME DOWN?? More importantly, why did he come back the second time? The more I think about it the more PISSED OFF I GET that he came back the second time!!! I wouldn't be upset or angry if he just turned me down the first time and didn't come back!! 
I'm really taking it personally and I really want to just continue our usual flirty, back-and-forth, comradery, but when he turned me down twice in a matter of hours I felt absolutely humiliated as if he just came back only to get an extra ego boost at my expense!!
Sad and confused (and really angry)...... Can anyone out there help me understand what was going through his mind??