My 30 hour Story

My 30 hour Story
{It has a happy beginning, I promise}
30 hours of constant contractions and back pain. Tossing and turning to get her to lower. I wouldn't dilate. I was trying to be strong but it came to a point I just didn't care of crying anymore. On each contraction Wilver would hold my hand as I squeezed it. He would hug me and I would start crying silently not wanting my mother to see me like that. He was suffering with me. He would fall asleep sitting on a chair as he laid his head on my bed. This experience made me love him even more. So the most I dilated was 4 out of 10 and the doctor told me a c-section would be a good idea or I could wait another 3 more hours to see if I was dilating more. I didn't want to risk my baby. I gave in and said YES. I didn't want to keep trying. I just didn't want to wait anymore. I felt the c-section at a point but I was being strong and positive knowing this was it.. I was finally gonna see our baby girl. I'm not gonna lie, I was scared. Scared for my life? No. Scared for hers. I didn't want anything to go wrong. As I laid there feeling nauseous, afraid, anxious, excited, nervous and every possible feeling you can think of, there we were. Wilver and I staring at each other. Him smiling at me and grabbing my hand telling me he loved me. (Dropping some tears as I recall the moment and type this) Everything happened so fast and then there it was.. A beautiful sound that I had never ever heard before. A crying baby! I look at Wilver and start laughing while crying and say, "Aw it's a baby! That's our baby mi amor!" Wilver started laughing with me and kissed my forehead. His face.. I will never forget the joy his face showed. 41 weeks and 1 day and this little child of mine didn't want to come out but she was finally out. I woke up and the doctor told me they had put me to sleep for 30 minutes. Wilver was already with the baby and here I was super anxious to meet her! I wanted to see who she looked like! I wanted to see who was the one keeping me up all those nights. Who was the one kicking me with those little feet. There she was.. She was there looking at everything. A baby that looked so alert and wasn't even crying. Wilver and I saw each other and we smiled. We made this baby. Love made our baby girl. God gave us her! As Zadie laid on my chest, that's when I knew everything I went thru was so worth it. 
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