Baby daddy drama 🙄😤

Caitlyne • Bonus mom to 2💜💙 Bio mom to 1 💜
Alright, so my ex left me about a month after we found out we were pregnant. His reasoning is because we fought a lot (which we did, over petty shit, fuck you hormones😂) 
But at least the day before we broke up, he was telling his ex girlfriend he loves her. 
Clearly there's more to the break up than he's willing to admit!! 
I'm 17, he's 18.
Anywho, he got kicked out 2 or so weeks ago. Despite everything, I talked to my mom about letting him live with us while he saved money to get an apartment. 
I also have my own car and pay my insurance, well I let him use it to go to and from work. Leaving me without a car from 5/6am to whenever he decides to come home.
He works 35 minutes away from where I live and there's no public transportation here to there.
He's supposed to get off at 3... So far the earliest he's been home after work is 5:30. 
He's used my car for personal use, which if he asks ahead of time I'll most likely be okay with (I've let him go all day with my car when he asked). But lately it's been getting ridiculous. 
Last night he didn't get home till 11:30/12. He claims he went out with his boss to meet other managers... When I called him around 7 asking when he'd be home, that I needed the car to go get acetaminophen (second trimester migraines are killing me) and tums, he said he doesn't know. 
So I asked if he could tell his boss that he needed to get home and that something came up (he was already working 4 hours overtime). HE REFUSED! 
So here comes today... He decides he wants to do some advanced form of martial arts. The nearest place that offers it is 2 hours away. 
So I set my foot down. Tell him that no, my car won't be used for that... He tells me then I can drive him into work in the morning (at 5am) so that I'll have my car... Like no! I only don't have my car because I'm nice enough to let you use it! It shouldn't be my responsibility to wake up at 5 because you wanna do something! 
He says fine then I should take a bus... The nearest bus station to get there is 20 minutes away by car... Plus bus tickets cost money!! 
He ended up getting all mad at me and shit...
I mean I'm sorry... We have a baby on the way and he can be spending money on some high end martial arts... He doesn't contribute towards my insurance (he uses my car way more than I do; in the last 2 or so weeks I've used it once).
Am I really that wrong to be telling him not to use my car for this? 
I thought I was already being a great ex girlfriend by letting him live at my house and use my car... 
All he is anymore is the father of my child and I just don't understand why he's so pissed off and can't see my reasoning... 
I'm trying to be friendly and help as much as I can, but it just doesn't seem fair! 
Sorry for the rant, any advice or anything would be appreciated!Â