We buried our little bean

Allison • 25 years old, 2 miscarriages in ‘15 & ‘16. Married 💍. 💙 KJS 6/30/18 💙 BBS 4/29/22
After holding my little peanut in my hands today, looking at the little formed body, I couldn't just flush him/her down the toilet like a pet goldfish. I saw little eyes. I saw tiny legs and arms beginning to form. And even though all of my dreams were completely destroyed today, I got to be a mom for a little while and hold my baby. 
We chose to bury our little nugget with a potted plant that we'll get to water and <a href="https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.glow.android.nurture">nurture</a> and hopefully watch it thrive. Thank you, little baby, for allowing me the chance to meet you face to face. I wish you could've grown safely inside of me, but for the short time you were with us, your mama and daddy loved you!