Baby making strange with in laws

My in laws don't bother to visit us. They expect us to drag the baby out in all weathers. They insist on minding her in their house all the time. Tonight I had a meeting with our wedding planner so they insisted on babysitting so I agreed. When I got home my LO was sobbing uncontrollably. As soon as I put her into my car she stopped. And when we got to my moms house she was full of laughs. My in laws are meant to take my LO for a few days while I'm on honeymoon in 3 weeks and I'm freaking out. They couldn't handle her when she cried. I'm getting really nervous and sad at the thought of leaving her. And it's even worse now that I walked in to big tears and a baby who was sick from crying. Could she be making strange? She's 4 months at the end of this month.