Opk help! 9 days of flashing smiley and cycle day 20.


My hubby and I are ttc #1. We are 32 and he travels a lot for work AND we live out of state so we have a lot of company. I decided to use clear blue advanced opk this month, for the first time, to maximize our chances and plan around work trips and visitors. But I think I did it wrong starting the very first day.

I stared testing last Monday (cycle day 12 of 31-32 length cycle)with fmu. It was negative (empty circle). I came home from work and got antsy so i tested again Monday at like 630pm. This time it was a flashing smiley. Since last Monday (testing day 1) I have gotten a flashing smiley face and tested 2 times per day as to not miss the surge (so 9 days of testing with fmu and around 630pm).

I started researching and read that you should not test twice a day until you get a flashing smiley with fmu because the reader is learning your levels .... So I think I messed up the testing sick on day 1!! I never got a peak day and tomorrow is cycle day 21. We BD a lot anyway because our ob/gyn said every other day from cycle day 10-20. We didn't do it exactly that way but we did BD about 5 times so hopefully it did the trick.

What do yall think? Did I mess up the reader? Do I still have a chance to get a bfp since we BD so much or am I not ovulating?

Baby dust to all!!💖🍼