1st and only Caesarian section

Kelcie • 28, 2 boys, 1 girl and our last girl due in August ❤️
I came in for my scheduled c section at 6:45am on 8/22. I was monitored and had an IV placed... They pulled me back about 9:45am.. The spinal was given and went very well! I was numb! They started the c section and I didn't even realize it! My hubby came back with me and it felt like a bunch of tugging and pulling, nothing horrible at all! At 10:21am, my baby girl came out and all I heard was, "Wow, this girl has some hair!" She came out full blown screaming! They warmed her up and weighed her... Daddy got her and brought her to me to see her... They did my tubal and brought me into recovery... It was so easy! An hour after recovery, I went back to my room.. I was holding her and felt a HUGE gush! Not right! I paged my nurse and she immediately called the doctor... My pulse was bottoming out and my whole face turned white.. I lost to much blood! They thought I was bleeding in my stomach... They did ultrasound and basically did a DNC to remove all the blood clots.. If that didn't work, I would of had a hysterectomy... It worked! I didn't feel dizzy, but tired! So they let me sleep! Now I feel awesome, but I wouldn't wish that on my worst enemy! Anyways... 
Meet A'Bree Brooklyn! 6lbs 13oz and 21in!