Unexpected Delivery!!! (Long post)


So its been a few days since I gave birth via C-Section to my beautiful baby girl, but I am feeling much better and finally feel up for telling our story!!!

On August 14th, last Monday night, my husband and I were laying in bed when I rolled over and felt a pop. I waited to see if there was a gush of water and there wasn't. I still felt something was off so I laid down for 30 minutes then stood up seeing if maybe instead of a gush it was a slow leak, and still nothing. So I laid back down and went to bed. Got up the next day and took my husband to work. Once returning home i did a few house chores and then laid down for a nap. After waking up I went to use the restroom and when I returned I noticed there was a large wet spot on the bed. I had noticed my underwear were wet but that was normal for me to have a lot of fluid leakage. But I had never had enough to soak through and leave a large spot on the bed. So I called my mom and we went down to the Labor and Delivery triage to be examined at 33 weeks. They did an Amni Swab Test that came back negative. But when they were doing my vitals they noticed my BP was a little high. They monitored me for an hour and it didn't go down so they asked me to do a urine test and there was +1 protein. Which isn't a lot but just to make sure they admitted me and did a 24 hour urine to see how protein I was actually producing.

Wednesday evening my 24 hour urine ended and my protein was 544. So they diagnosed me with Mild Preeclampsia and started me on BP medicine. All through the day Thursday they needed to monitor me to see if my blood pressure was going to be controlled so they kept me on bed rest, a constant baby monitor, and BP checks every 15 minutes. That evening they said if by the morning it was at good levels I could go home. Friday morning comes and they start checking me and I look good so they are like great you get to go home, but before you do we have to do a routine baby check, so they hooked me up to monitor for an hour and come back to tell me they have to continue monitoring because baby girl wasn't as reactive as they would like her to be. So they did a biophysical profile test on her in which they look at 4 different things and she gets 2 points per area. Well she got a 6/8 and scored a 0 on breathing movements. Well in order to let me go home she either needs to have a reactive monitor test, or an 8/8 on her ultrasound test. So Saturday they change my blood pressure medicine and by that evening she was reactive.

Sunday morning they check and she is still reactive but now my blood pressure is back up. At this point i am completely hopeless and tired and exhausted. I had been there since Tuesday with no sleep and no answers. I just wanted to go home. Well they decided that it was my old BP medicine that caused her to not be reactive so they put me back on it and by lunch time my BP was good and was told once again I was going home in the morning! So husband and I are excited and we order out food and we get ready for bed around 12pm. At 2AM on August 22 my doctors came in to give me my medicine for the night. I laid down at almost 3 and rolled to my side and got a sudden pain in my lower abdomen area so I rolled back to my back with no avail. So I just assumed i was constipated and got up to go try to use the bathroom. I sat in the bathroom for almost an hour with my pains radiating from my vagina to my chest and all in my back. Normally I would just deal with the pain and try again in the morning but something told me to call my nurse anyways.

I woke my husband up and he called my nurse, she helped me back to my bed and did a cervical exam. I was dilated 1 and 70% thinned. She called the on call doctor and he said to let me labor. Then she called my doctor and he said to prepare me for an emergency C-Section anyways.

So at 5 AM on the 22nd they gave me medicine through my IV for the pain and filled out paper work to have my C-Section. By 7 AM we were dressed and on our way back to the operating room. It took them 4 tries to get my spinal and after that they started the surgery. They pulled her out at 7:44 and she did not cry. They had to give her assistance and after a minute we finally heard her tiny screams. My husband went with them to the NICU while they stitched me up and sent me to recovery. I was put on Magnesium so I wasn't allowed visitors for the first 2 hours. During those 2 hours my doctor came to talk to me and told me that I had not been in labor that my uterus had ripped itself from the uterine wall and I had massive internal bleeding. If they would have waited even another half an hour they would have lost both me and baby.

So after being told i would never get pregnant I got blessed with our beautiful daughter, and after everything that happened, and everything that this world has thrown at us she is stronger than ever. She is only 2 days old born at 34 weeks almost 6lbs, needs no oxygen, is eating on her own, and can regulate her own temperature. She is defying all odds and making mommy and daddy so proud every single day! She is our miracle baby and our whole world!!!