24 weeks and starting to worry myself


I am 24 weeks and 3 days today. I have been having irritation so I decided to check my cervical mucus last night. It has been getting noticibly creamier in my panties over the last little while which I thought was because I have hemorrhoid that comes and goes. As long as I eat the right things my hemorrhoid is fine, I have cream for it.

When checking my cervical mucus  I thought it looked normal. Creamy and whitish or egg shell colored, no foul smell. But I noticed what looked like a little bit of tan colored tissue. So with further investigation found more and more of it. I did a pretty thorough cleaning out of the tissue or cottage looking discharge.

I think I have a yeast infection, which is easy to deal with and I have no worries about it. But I also noticed that my cervix is soft (no hard nose feeling) and I can feel the opening. My cervix is hard to reach. I haven't been checking my cervix or cervical mucus since I got pregnant so I am not sure how it is supposed to feel. But I can feel the opening of the cervix, any of my finger tips are bigger than the opening so it isn't very open. Maybe it isn't really open at all and I am worried for nothing.

 This is my third pregnancy the first ending in stillbirth and the second ending in miscarriage past 12weeks. Today the irritation seems better and there hasn't been chunky tissue. My cervical mucus doesn't have a funny color or smell. And my cervix still feels open.

All I want to know is if anyone has had a problem like the tissue issue along with an opening cervix. What did your doctor's say/do. Is my cervix in grave danger leading to another stillbirth or early labor?

My next doctors appointment is in two weeks  and when I get home I work everyday until my appointment, should I take a sick day and make another appointment before the end of the week? Should I go in to any doctor as soon as possible? Or should I not sweat it and wait the two weeks for my appointment? I  am very scared of any and all risks.

I understand that I am likely overthinking everything. But I am scared to go to work if my cervix is in danger. I work in a grocery store, I mostly work freight. So I am on ladders, squating, sitting on the floor to fill shelves, and lifting.