Help!!! Advice please :)


We have a beautiful 2 year old son and starting trying for baby #2 when he was around 11 months. We weren't officially trying for our son and it happened so quick! After 9-10 months of trying we got pregnant but unfortunately that resulted in an ectopic pregnancy and me losing my left tube. I've been on levothyroxine (50mcg) for a year & 1/2 now due to hypothyroidism. I've had an HSG done and everything is clear with my right tube. But for the last 2 months I've experienced bleeding on cycle day 9. The first month his happened I was put on progesterone for CD16-25. This resulted in a very good AF but I ended up bleeding again on CD 9 and spotting until CD 11... My doctor is checking my progesterone levels on CD 21 to see if I'm ovulating but he doesn't think I am at all.

What can I expect from taking clomid or metformin? What is the usual routine? Any support would be greatly appreciated!!!!