Baby Lulu is finally here!

MaDz • A proud mama of 3 girls and a boy! Expecting baby #5! Married to a great husband and living my fairy tale ❤️
I've been having actual contractions since I reached 32 weeks and it has been the craziest 4 weeks since then. As it turns out, the cerclage I had put in was infected with some microb that kept giving me infections that would not go and it was irritating my uterus and that was the main cause of all the contractions. The doctors put me on 2 rounds of antibiotics, multiple muscle relaxants and pain killers. I woke up on friday feeling great for the first time in weeks and I had this crazy urge to clean clean clean! I started rearranging everything in my room from 11 am to 3 pm. Then had my manicure/pedicure and a foot massage til 5 and back to cleaning til 7pm. The moment I stopped is the moment the pain started! It was like someone stabbed me and it was not subsiding at all! I took a hot shower, laid down and decided to go to bed early but the contractions kept waking me up. I took some pain killers and went back to bed. I woke up at 9 to see hubby off to work (he works in another city) i had breakfast and decided to go see my doctor thinking its just another contraction episode as it has been for the past three weeks. I drove myself to the clinic while in pain and it kept getting worse. I told the doctor what had happened and she wanted to give me an ultrasound to check on the baby since I'm supposed to get my cerclage out this week. We were waiting for baby to grow to 6 lbs and finish the 36th week. The baby weight was decreasing and her heart rate was high and she was turning to a semi breech position. My bp was so low and i could not even finish the ultrasound because I almost passed out. They immediatly hooked me to the ECG machine and the contractions where strong and baby was in major distress. I was requested to be immediately admitted for observation and an emergency C-Section was scheduled the next day. I called my hubby to come back and i went home to pack and get ready. I have to admit that I was never this scared in my life! We went to the hosp and I was hooked on I.Vs and the ECG all night. The morning came and by 9 am I was being preped in the OP for my surgery. I requested for a spinal to insure I met my baby the moment she came out. The moment the surgery started my BP dropped drastically and I had a panic attack from being so scared and mom was there to help me breath through it. The moment baby was out I was able to breath, but she wasnt.. The 10 minutes it took them to try to get her to breath felt like forever and I knew something was wrong but everyone was telling me that she is ok. I barely heard a cry and they rushed to show me my tiny baby for a split second before the ran out with her! It took forever for them to stitch me up and get me out of the recovery room to my room. I asked for my baby immediately and thats when hubby told me that they had to move her to the NICU and intubate her cause ahe was not breathing on her own.. I swear I have never felt so chocked up and filled with sadness the way I felt that instant. I had to go see her but they would not let me until The evening.. That was the longest day of my life! By 11 pm they wheeled me in to the NICU and my baby was hooked to the ventilator and antibotics.
I felt like I failed her and I couldnt keep her safe inside of me longer.. Monday evening her CO2 levels were decreasing and they were able to get her off the ventilator. I still was not allowed to pick her up or hold her because she was still hooked to the I.V and she was so tiny. They started tube feeding her and she was accepting the milk but no poop yet. By tuesday evening she was finally off the I.V and i was able to breastfeed her but still stayed in the NICU due to a murmur in her heart. We got a specialist to look into it and it turns out that there is a small whole in her heart (VSD) and the chances are that should close on its own withing 2 weeks to 6 months. But we have to keep getting Her checked up to insure that she is ok. This morning they cleared her to leave and I was finally able to take my beautiful tiny baby home! She was born at 5 lbs and left the hospital weighing 4.3! She is the tiniest baby I have ever met!