Going crazy!


Ugh guys, I'm going crazy. Today I had my appointment with my doctor to check on my progesterone levels and such. I just got my latest blood test on cd26 which was last Friday. He said my levels were really really high and maybe I'm pregnant (I really wish he hadn't said that cuz it's fueling my obsession lol). I think I saw the number on the paper but I'm sure I must have read it wrong cuz it said 123.8! 3 months ago at my last check up it was 66 which he said was a good strong ovulation. So now I'm confused. Did I read that right? Is a level that high possible? What could it mean? I also have creamy white cm today although that could be AF coming maybe?

AF is due somewhere between Friday and Sunday (it's pretty regular within a couple days) and all my pregnancy tests have been negative although I know it's still early to test. CD31 today. Help!