After 38 hours of labor and 6 days overdue our boy is finally here

I wont sugar coat it, its been a rough few days. After being admitted on monday night for enducement, getting no sleep, our boy not liking being on the monitor they started pitocin on tuesday at around 11am after 4 doses of cervix softening meds (oral) i was extremely slow to "ripen" inly getting to a "squishy" 3 tuesday afternoon so the doc decuded to break my water which could have filled a olympic size swimming pool, the doc out a node on the babies head. It wasnt until then that my contractions got really bad. This mamma wanted to go natural but instead got the epidural and holy cow Im glad I did. Itbwas painful. I ended up throwing up a few times last night During my contractions, so I basically ended up finishing natrual since baby boy was having isses with high doses of. Pitocin. So painful contrations but very little actual pushing (only about 30 min) bor baby Quinten finally arrived at 902am this morning. If you have any questions feel free to ask.