Big baby? Long post!


Had my midwife appoitment yesterday.. went in not thinking anything of it at all and things changed quickly!

I was told i have extremely low iron and vitamin d (which they said bubs will have to be on vitamin d for 6 months after birth!)

Was also told i am measuring at 3-4 weeks ahead (im currently 29+2) so we are scheduled for a growth scan in 2 weeks.

And if that wasnt enough the midwife noticed my pulse was rather fast and irregular when taking my bp so ended up in emergency to have a eeg or ecg whatever it is called and found out i do have an abnormal rythm but they said its common and nothing to worry about..

Ended up being in the hospital from like 8:40 am until 2pm when it was just a simple midwife appoitment haha

Oh and also had my antid shot and whooping cough shot so my arms are dead haha