Sex with my husband preggo

I'm 28 weeks pregnant with this baby boy. Sex has been painful when I entered into my 3rd trimester a choke weeks ago. I tried it. First when I first entered and I was so tight. It hurt. Second same results and jus painful. Couldn't enjoy. I want Sex too just like my husband but this pregnancy won't allow us too. We always have done foreplay before start and after the first time of the painful result, we tried the second with line. Still hurts! So now we wanna what else can we do? He so horny, you guys, he even asked to anal! He was like "I've never been into this but I need my wife. I'm not into anal but can we give it a try?" I was like suprised. Never have we done it. I did my research and it sounds painful the first time. So I told him no. He okay. He was like okay. No pressure. Can you just give me a blow job til I cum? I'm fine with that. But is there other things we can do??? Since Sexual intercourse is just too painful right now. ☹️