I need a small vent and maybe some advice not baby related

Im 21 and own a house with my partner, i have a 14 yr old sister that lives with my mum and step dad 20 mins away (my mum has been seperated from my stepdad for 2 years but due to financial reasons cant move out just yet) my mum has been talking to this guy online for a while, he lives in another country and has recently mentioned moving over here to be with her and find work and i have said they can live with me until he gets a job and can get his own place, my sister would probably come aswell which poses a problem with schooling but i dont want her living with my stepdad. Now i love my mum and sister to pieces and ill support them with whatever choices they make i just want them to be happy and to start with i thought it was great he is wanting to come over, but now im having my doubts cause it would mean my sister being messed round with schooling, and im just worried if he comes over and doesnt know anybody then he will want to be with mum 24/7 and we wont have time alone with her like we do now and with my little man due in 12 days im scared he will miss out too. I have no worrys about him being dodgy i have spoken/video chatted with him and hes a really lovely guy and i feel very selfish sitting here hoping he decides not to come over to stay :/ any advice? Talking to my mum isnt an option becaise i dont want to hurt her and it womt change anything.