weird sex drive

So from 23 years old until I gave birth to my first at 26 years old I lost my sex drive completely. I went to multiple doctors and no one had an answer for me. After my first was born, sex became ever more rare. We would go weeks to months without sex. We got pregnant again and I gave birth in January at the age of 29. I was terrified to have sex because it was my first vaginal delivery. I was pleasantly surprised and the sex was amazing. It's odd because now that I'm 30 and we have 2 kids, it's like we have better sex than ever. I'm still not horny all the time but there has been this one week every month where we go at it non stop. Does anyone else have something similar? Just a few days a month? I'm just wondering what the change in libido could be from. This one week is all my husband needs as he's really worn out from working and going to school full time. We are both more than satisfied. I'm not really looking for stories of how you have sex every day or how I'm depriving my husband. Just looking for any other weird sex drives or how it changed after you have kids.