Am I overreacting??

Brittany • Mommy to 3 boys and a beautiful step daughter ❤️💚💜 Angel Baby Mia Arabella 11/11/15 👼🏻
This is my 5th pregnancy. I carried my first full term, my second was delivered at 34 weeks. My third I lost at 16wk4d due to her kidneys either not existing or not functioning properly, my last I lost at about 8 weeks and now I'm pregnant again. I'm about 7 weeks now based off of my LMP. I feel as if my OB should be taking more precautions with me due to my history. She had said last time that the next time we would keep a closer eye and she would refer me to a perinatal Doctor earlier. I've called her twice now due to vaginal bleeding and she's just shrugged it off as if my history hasn't made me more concerned or cautious. Should I look into another OB? Or just give it time and see what happens? Thanks for all the feedback!