Stage 5 clinger. His mother. I'm over it.

Me and my SO are moving in together and his mother just told him that he should bring his laundry over to HER house so that she can wash his clothes for him still...he's 23 years old...we have a washer and dryer and a baby on the way. This was by no means a way of "offering to help" with the new baby coming because she only offered to do HIS laundry...
Coming from the same woman who told us we should just move in with her instead of getting our own place and the same woman who babies the living hell out of my SO. Every time she sees him it's "Ayyyye my baby" "my handsome baby, are you eating okay? Are you sad? Are you okay? You can always stay here with me! You don't need to leave" then starts crying and has this huge attention show then all these things in Spanish (I don't know Spanish) about her baby and blablablablablaaaaa. Can you let the man grow up?! My God. HE CANT SNEEZE WITHOUT HER SAYING HE NEEDS TO SEE A DOCTOR. He's 23 years old (still living at home while we finalize things on the new house) she cleans his room, cooks for him, cleans up after him, basically caters to his every need. SHE LITERALLY CALLS HIM AND STAYS ON THE PHONE FOREVER WHEN SHE KNOWS WERE BUSY. We'll be in her neighborhood and she'll call him and ask him 10000 questions. WELL BE THERE IN 2 MINUTES WOMAN. Ugh does anyone else get annoyed by their MIL turning their SO into a giant baby?! Oh and NO he's is not an only child. It's not like it's his first time leaving either. He went away for college for 3 years! He told me she'd drive up 5 hours every weekend. He gets annoyed sometimes but not as much as I do.