Could I still be pregnant even if my test was negative?!

Hey! Okay. So as of today, I'm 5 days late on my period. I've been using this app and it's extremely accurate to when I'm suppose to start. And my periods have always been regular even if I'm stressed out or something. My boyfriend and I pretty much have sex everyday...(yeahh..I know. But we're in love haha 😆) anyways, I took an early pregnancy test (first response) the day I missed my period to see if I was and it came out negative. A few days went by and STILL didn't get my period so I took a different test (clear blue) and once again...negative. I'm pretty knowledgable about the reproductive system so I know that in order for the test to become positive, you have to have a certain amount of hCG (pregnancy hormone). I know a few cases where it's taken a few weeks for some women to produce enough hCG for their test to become positive so therefore, for weeks their test is negative. I was just wondering and wanted to get someone's advice or opinion to see if I'm testing too early, if I should wait to take another test or so on and so forth. Ive made an appointment with my gynecologist to get on BC about 2 months ago and then this happened. Should I wait for my appointment next week or what? My boyfriend is stressing out bc were not fully financially stable and pretty much the unknown of if I am or not so any advice to calm him down would be lovely too. Thanks!