Binky and breastfeeding?

Who has had success with a breastfed baby taking a pacifier and not having difficulties with supply or nipple confusion? I hadn't planned to use one until about 6 weeks but my son refuses to sleep longer than about 10minutes unless I'm holding him so I finally broke down and gave him one to get him to sleep by himself. I'm doing it really sparingly and only after he's already eaten. Also paying attention to his normal eating times so he doesn't try sleeping through them since he has this comfort now. He's 2 weeks and already a pound over his birth weight and so far he seems completely ok between the two but if anyone has advice or encouragement? Because I'm really paranoid I'm going to ruin things somehow. Like I gave him it last night because bedtime is just the worst for him and he'd already been up for 4 hours and just wouldn't sleep and honestly my nipples were really starting to hurt but then he slept for 5 hours and I should be excited about that but it worried me that he wasn't eating like usual. I don't know if it was coincidence or if I messed him up by giving the pacifier...