Any thoughts? Is this normal or has this happened to you?

My periods were always regular until last August/September I didn't get my period at all. So I went to the doc and they had me get on birth control pills to start my period and regulate it. So I took it from September to January of this year and stopped the end of january. I got my first actual period off of birth control in April and I got my period in may, june, and July on time like clockwork. And this month I haven't gotten my period at all and im 18 days late with negative tests. The thing that's really aggravating is that me and my husband had it planned to start trying for our first baby in August after my period and it ends up being 18 days late! The day before my period we did get into a huge yelling/crying argument and again on the following weekend. I don't see how it could be late from that tho. I'm just sad because we had it planned out to start trying this month after my period and was excited but it ends up being 18 days late /: