My natural birth :)

I started having contractions on Saturday during the day but very irregular. I lost my mucus plug at 5 and was thinking I would go into labor that night but contractions slowed and when I went to bed and woke up the next morning I was a little bummed to still be pregnant! But I carried on my Sunday still having contractions but not painful and again, irregular. That lasted through the day and then at night they stopped and I was able to sleep. When Monday came, I was thinking to myself I gotta get things moving! So I sat on the ball all day and when my husband came home we went on a walk, I jogged a little and ran up some stairs. The whole walk back I was having contractions that hurt were still bearable. By 9pm I had more consistent contractions but not close enough together or hurtful to go in. So I figured it would be like all the other nights and if I laid down they would stop. So at 10 I laid down and for 1 hour they long closer together and stronger and by 11 I was telling my husband we needed to go because it felt like I had to push. I got to the hospital around 1130 but contractions every 2 minutes. The nurse check me and I was 7 cm! I was shocked! I walked to the delivery room and got check again and was at 8 or 9 cm! I wanted a water birth so they got me into the tub, I sat there for one minute and my water burst and my sons head popped out. It hurt sooo bad!! The doctor barely made it into the room but saw his shoulders were stuck so she quickly got me out the tub and with one push I delivered in the bed! Terrible pain but sooo worth it in the end. All in all, it was a quick 4 hour labor that started out with minor contractions for the first 2 hours. I'm so proud of myself! I delivered a healthy 7 lb 7 oz baby boy!! Jontae Rocco! My second baby boy! I'm so in love :)