Please read.. Cause this is how messed up our dfs system is.

The dfs system is so messed up it makes me furious. I live in a small town where everyone knows everyone and everything about you. There's this "mother" that has two out of three of her kids that chooses drugs over her kids, buying food, paying her bills so they have electricity. I know because I personally knew this girl before the dope got to her. I know that this girl has been hotlined so many times I know because I've done it MYSELF they never did a check on these kids. Well they finally did about a year ago took the kids for a few months and then gave them back. Now a year later this woman's almost 3 year old is now fighting for her life because once again drugs were more important to her then her children. This child fell from a two story window and landed on a sidewalk has a broken neck and it's not looking to good. IF dfs kept these kids this would have never happened. I'm saying this because the system does not care unless you're actually being a parent! I'm so furious I want to get ahold of this dope head. Ugh I just needed to rant. Please pray for this child she needs them so bad!