Birth plan didn't go as expected but she's here in my arms safe and sound that's all that matters

Hey ladies so i was scheduled for induction yewtersay at 7:30am after 31 hours after failed gels three rounds after two failed rounds of cytotec and failed pitocin I went natural up to 28 hours they decided to get a growth ultrasound to see if she was maybe to big and if that's why I wasn't progressing as her heart tones were being caught 3 inches above my belly button they were right she measured 10 pounds 4oz but the doctor reassured me I could delivery naturally but a c section was probably my way I went for it got the epidural but it failed back labor she was sunny side up and still felt the pain finally after tears I gave into the c section as they told me that if I delivery her vaginally she could possible break her clavicle and other risks. After my c section the doctor said thank God I made that choice as she was a whopping 10 pounds 2 ounces 23 inches and stuck in my pelvis she has a few bruises and scratches but we are okay. Now I know why mothers love their babies so much it's unconditional love that can't be descibed. First time mom. At least I can say that I tried to do a vaginal natural delivery and I almost was successful with it but God had other plans that she was too big no ladies this doesn't mean that if you get induced you will have a C-section she was just too big for me and I'm not little.