One night I was watching a movie with my boyfriend/baby father and all of a sudden I had a really ba...

Christine • 24 . Jersey .
One night I was watching a movie with my boyfriend/baby father and all of a sudden I had a really bad cramp, didn't think anything of it. I went to sleep and the next morning around 11am I started to have contractions I would say within 10 minutes apart. As the night went on they got more intense, around 9pm my mother in law came over and said we should probably go to the hospital to make sure the baby was fine and make sure everything was okay, I didn't wanna go because I was scared but I ended up going anyway. We get to the hospital and they take me into the room , check to see how if I was really having contractions or not and it turned out I was 2 centimeters with high blood pressure so they said they had to admit me because if not I can pass out or have a siger or heart attack. They gave me medication that so it can lower my blood pressure, gave me a iv and by 12am-1am they gave me the epidural and I was super loopy , I didn't even know time was flying by and all of a sudden I started to feel the contractions and it felt like I had to use the bathroom (#2) lol. My doctor probably arrived what felt like a hour later, but who knows I was so out of it. I was told I only
pushed about 4 times and the next thing I knew my baby boy was born at 5am, 5pounds and 4ounces. #SamuelIsmaelMiranda 👶🏼💕