4 days PP, baby losing weight.

Kelsey • I am the mother of four beautiful babies-a five year old boy, an angel baby boy born still at 37 weeks, a 2 year old rainbow boy, and a gorgeous baby girl.🥰
My son is now 4 days old and has lost 11% of his birth weight. He is also slightly jaundiced, but not bad enough to need lights or anything. He is great at nursing.. My body just hasn't caught on. My milk isn't in yet and I'm trying not to stress since it's only day 4.  This is EXACTLY how it went with my 3 year old... But my supply worsened because we supplemented with formula and it was all gone by 4 months... I DO NOT want that to happen again. 
How in the world can I get my milk to come in today?? And get baby to gain some weight before his Saturday morning doctor appointment?  I'm planning on sitting him in front of the Windows tomorrow to help with the jaundice.. What can I do for my supply? 