2 days away from 28 weeks

I've been stressed & depressed all through my pregnancy I thought since this would be my last that I would be able to enjoy it but boy was I so very wrong ... I swear I feel like a man and woman sometimes I do everything as if I'm not pregnant like taking out trash and getting very little sleep & I would think someone would ask if I needed anything or any help... I'm so laid back and I don't ask for much barely like asking for anything I'm just so low in my life since I haven't been able to work & take care of a toddler with very little support. .. I'm so overwhelmed everybody always call me when they need something but when I need something it's the other way around and to top that bf not working because he had a accident and can't work so he was told today I'm so over it & I still haven't really got anything for baby girl but I'm going to put it all in God hands