So stressed and need to vent!


The past 3 days have been a crazy stressful wacky of a mess.

Let's begin where the problem arises on August 23rd.

I went to the court house to figure out about stuff of getting custody of my son. They gave me a paper and said apply to legal aid.

I called the next day but sadly was rejected.

August 24th. My son was eating his cereal at the table. Out of no where the young lad of mine says "I don't feel safe at daddies. I want to stay here with you." I questioned on and heard some very horrible things. As any mother would I called CAS and left a message to a lady who apparently already had an open file on him.

August 25th.

The lady calls back and arranges a visit for that afternoon. When she arrived we all sat down in the living room and talked. She said because there is no time line to the incident there was nothing that CAS was able to do. She suggested talking to the police and seeing what my legal rights were in this situation. When she left I called the police. Because there is no court issued custody I have all rights to keep him here and withhold visitation. If he comes to my home in attempts to take Zadin he can be charged with forced entry and kidnapping. So last night I registered him to the school in our district.

August 26th. Today. I woke up with the kids and got started. I went online and set up the child Tax benifits in my name. I called the school I registered him for and set up a meeting to discuss his needs. I called his doctor to set up his late immunizations. I called the courthouse to set up an emergency motion and they won't be avalible until Monday.

I'm going crazy with stress. I'm 11 weeks pregnant and I have severe anxiety. This is all so scary and fucking nuts! I am just crazed with emotion and fear. But I know I am within my legal rights!