Pretty darn proud of myself right now

It is 1:00AM where I live.
And this might not sound like a big deal to most of you, but I just overcame a binging spell and made myself a cup of tea instead. This is huge. I usually can never fight these cravings or binge spells (I'm not pregnant, if that makes a difference). 
You know what triggered it? It's something so dumb. Someone on TV was eating ramen so deliciously that I just HAD to eat some, too... even though I was still very full from my last meal of pizza, chicken wings, salad and spaghetti. 
I went to boil some water and opened a pack of ramen. I also planned on mixing white rice into the leftover soup after all the noodles were eaten up, something I used to do all the time with my family as a kid/teen. Now, there is nothing wrong with eating ramen or rice or enjoying food in general. I love love food. But when you know you're full and you're about to go to bed in a few minutes, and you know you're gonna hate yourself the next day for doing this, stuffing more food into your mouth at 1AM is toxic behavior. I am not bulimic, but I've been struggling with binging for about a decade. So anyway... I went to go wash up for bed while waiting for the water to boil, and when I came back to the kitchen, I decided to use the boiled water for tea instead of  the ramen + rice. I sealed the opened pack of ramen in a ziploc bag so I can enjoy it properly on another day, turned on a Youtube vlog and enjoyed my cuppa milk tea. 
😌☕️ #babysteps