Bye ladies of Glow and I wish you luck

Hey ladies so I'm deleting this app. I feel like it's making me go crazy tracking every symptom. I'm currently a week late,  and CD 38. BFN BFN BFFN 😤😤. I'm pretty sure  I'm out this cycle and will let nature take its course. When it's time it'll happen. Been told to get a blood test however I don't have anything to cover the bill. Been thinking about a plan to go to the hospital and say I've been having sharp pains (you know where I'm going with this), and try to see if I can get a blood test done instead of a urine test. Just rather not waste anymore time and money (that I don't have) just to get another BFFN. 
Lower stomach "pain" - tugging, tightening, pulling feeling that goes on and off all day
Lower back "pain" - again doesn't hurt just goes on and off all day
Discharge - sometimes creamy and white, sometimes feels like water
Headaches - don't normally get these but sometimes I'll wake up with them
Runny/stuffy nose - started at work thought the air was dry but it happens anytime during the day. No allergy problems
To all my Glow ladies I wish you much luck and baby dust to all