Positive baby vibes today!

Had a doctors appt this morning with a doctor who is brand new to the practice and my husband and I both LOVED her! First time anyone has taken the time to actually measure my belly instead of eyeballing it (measuring exactly on track!) and talk about my blood pressure and urine same (all looking perfectly normal!) and felt around to tell me how it feels the baby is positioned (head down and ready to go!) and it was just so refreshing! I also didn't gain any weight in the last 3 weeks which makes me SO happy, and she told me it's time to get my TDAP so I went right after our appointment. Overall just the best appointment we've had so far and it put me in such a good mood I had to share and spread the good vibes! She also didn't make my husband and I feel like terrible parents for not having read any baby books or attended any baby related classes (yet). We told her we've been busy with our new house and the due date is kind of sneaking up on us and she said "women have been doing this since the beginning of time, it's not the end of the world if you don't make it to Lamaze class" 😂. Happy Friday everyone!