I feel really bad

So recently I got hired for a new job but haven't started yet bc they are waiting for the background check to clear. Nothing to find so I'm not worried. Last night my fiance told me that he's been secretly not wanting me to work. A couple weeks ago I fainted and hit m head and fell on my belly. We had a scare with not finding the baby's heartbeat right away and it was awful! They found it tho, after another nurse came in (apparently that one didn't know what she was doing) anyways, my Dr told me my BP was really low for me and that's probably why I ended up passing out. She said to monitor it and take it easy as best as I can. My fiances reasons for not wanting me to work is that I get dizzy alot and have to sit down. I can't even make it through making dinner without needing breaks to sit bc I'm dizzy/light headed. And I have alot of pain. I have a bad back from being a cna and I injured it alot, especially right before I found out I was pregnant. So I'm dealing with that. But even through all of that I wanted to try to work to make things easier on us with trying to get everything ready for the baby. He's scared something will happen and I'll pass out again, only I won't be home this time and who knows what could happen. And I totally understand his fears. I worry too, but despite that I wanted to try anyways. Well today he is pretty set about that decision, he even set up an interview on Monday for a second job and says he's going to work 7 days a week if need be. I feel extremely bad about that and I feel like I should be doing my part. He tells me the only thing I need to be doing is growing our baby boy and taking care of myself. I am borderline anemic and have yet to find a solution and right combination of iron and something that will counteract the iron since it constipates me terribly. So I guess my question is, should I feel bad? I feel guilty for not working but I also want to listen to him and how he feels. He's been so great to me and loves me so much. He'll do anything for his family. If I'm not working, what can I do to stop feeling bad about it? I have always worked and brought in an income. It's hard for me to just sit here and not bring money in. Anyone else in the same boat? I also have a 6 year old daughter which I have about 75 percent of time since her dad's work schedule is so hectic and she's starting school next week.