my first time and I need your advice

Just a little warning this story it's kinda long but I feel like it's I'm important for you to know the whole back story. 
Ok so a while back I lost my virginity to this guy that I went to high school with. It had been a year since I have seen him because we had graduated high school and everyone went their way. So, going forward a year, one day my friend tells me "hey do you want to come with me to this party" so I said yeah I'll go. I get ready and I pick up my friend and we go to this party. When I get to this party I see almost everyone from high school who was popular at that time. Most of the girls and guys that I didn't talk to back then (I was a bit timid and kept to myself in high school) came up to me and told me "Omg you look really good and you changed a lot" meaning that I have gotten my septum pearced, I had color hair and I looked slimer cause in high school a was a bit chunky. So then a lot of the guys kept on looking at me and only some of those guys came up to me and began taking to me. So, the guy that I lost my virginity to was one of the guys that just looked at me and smiled. So my friend and I leave the party and I don't see him till I go to a different party 2 weeks later. 
Going forward 2 weeks later I see him at a party were most of the people that I went to high school were at. My friends and I get there and we begin playing some drinking games. At one point one of my friends begins playing beer pong with him but then she want to take a break because she want to go to the restroom. So I sub in for her. At the beginning they were loosing so when I subbed in we began winning so when my friend came back this guy tells her it's ok you don't have to play the game is alost over. I was shocked that he told her that because just a reminder he was one of the popular guys at my school. So we kept on playing and he begins to touch my but and he holds my hand. I was so shocked and didn't know what to say. So the night goes on and he was all the time next to me holding me but it kinda like in a secretly way. So, the party ends up finishing so then we went to one of my friends house so continue it there. So right away when we begin to invite people he immediately says I'll go. So we go to my friends house and he begins to tell me that I'm beautiful and that I changed a lot (meaning that back then I was ugly and now I'm hot) I begin to believe him because remember he is so out of my league I was this shy innocent girl to now this more outgoing party girl and he was always this kinda buff, tall, a rapper and outgoing party guy. So I tell him hey I'll be back in going to the restroom. So he follows me and we began making out in the hallway away from everyone. We go into the restroom and we begin doing stuff later on my friends begin on knocking on the door so we go into my friends brothers room and we begins on doing some stuff I mainly just gave him a bj and we made out because I was on my period and I didn't want to have sex. So then we left it there. 
The next few times that me messed around was always at some parties because I will always see him but we never had sex until this one night. I was kinda already gone. He had invited my friend and I to one of his shows so we went. We ended up going to the show were he was performing and when my friend and I get there he's flirting with this girl but at the same time he was looking at me, I felt like he was trying to make me jelous cause I could see him from the corner of my eye and at some point it lowkey made me. It's weird how in public places were his friends are at he doesn't talk to me but when we are by ourselves he completely changes and he even calls me baby. So then that night we went to one of his friends house because the friend who I was with wanted to see his friend since they were talking for a while now. We ended up watching a movie in the floor of his friends bedroom and he tells me lets go to my house instead and let's leave them by themselves. I agree and we left. We end up going to his house and he began making out and we began to have oral sex, he didn't know I was a virgin. So then it finally came to the part were we actually had sex. And omg girl I didn't know how flexible I was till that point. We had sex like 7 or 8 times with a condom. It was 2 hrs of sex! So then afterwards we layed in his bed and we felt asleep and when I got up to put on my underwater we would take it off and we would have sex again. So finally I managed to put on my clothes and I told him at had to leave. So I ended up leaving but I eventually saw him the sex day and we had sex again. 
So this is the part were I need your advice. I'm not obsessed with him even tho he was my first but every time that he want something from me he just tells me wryd (what are you doing) and I know he want me to go over for sex. He never tells me how your day is, or what did you do today and when I see him in public with his friends at a party it's like we don't know each other. I mean he gives me a hug and that's it and he just stares at me. He keeps me on the lowkey but honestly I kinda keep him in the lowkey because I don't want people to know my business. What should I do? Should I keep talking to him or should I just cut him out of my life and not respond to his txt? Please help!