CM & Ovulation, or pregnant. Thoughts please!


I am attempting to calculate when I ovulate with irregular periods, and after exactly a year of trying I'm hoping I am starting to figute it out (or my body is somewhat trying to regulate). So I have some symptoms & CM going on that I would like some input on! Half of these id be convinced i was pregnant but then again i dont think that would make since if you look at the BD days. Also due to irregular periods (56 days, 35 days, 27 days, etc.) I use 3 apps to track and guesstimate ovulation. These apps combined say i would be fertile between CD 17-27.

Here is what has been going on since the beginning of this cycle, aug. 3rd:

CD1- Last cycle was 37 days, short period with 1 heavy day.



CD15 to Now - off and on VIVID dreams, random dizziness,

CD17-Extremely emotional and feeling very depressed

CD18-one time light pink spotting when I wiped, negative ovulation & negative pregnancy test.


CD21-Creamy CM

CD22- eggwhite-ish CM, really awake at night, strange energy during the day even though I'm really tired, BLOATED to say the least

CD23- INSANELY bloated, indigestion, sex drive

CD24 (today)- eggwhite/watery CM, sex drive

Any thoughts or input would be nice. I dont usualy have pink spotting at all, i dont usually have vivid dreams, i do have blaoting at times but this is terrible and off/on, and my period was sudden with ZERO PMS (which is very weird for me - i get cramps, moodiness, joint pain, etc) and it was very short. This could all but due to me being irregular, I'm just curious bc this is the strangest cycle i have had.