21 and I don't think my doctor is taking me seriously

I'm 21 years old and I'm ttc with my husband of two years we have been trying for over a year now with 0 success I have had 4 miscarriages in the past and I went when we started to get a preconception check up at my doctor when I first met him I was fairy impressed he told me that he wasn't to concerned that he didn't want to jump to conclusions and went over ovulation and when I should be trying with my husband and scheduled a ultra sound with me just to check and make sure everything was alright so we went had the ultra sound and he said everything looked normal and when we got pregnant to call right away so they could confirm and put me on progesterone well that was in March and still nothing I have gone in for a follow up visit and my anual exam and both times it was like he didn't know who I was at all ! I mean to the point were during my anual exam he asked what I was planning on doing for birth control if I need hel finding the right fit. I don't if I'm just irritated because I'm trying to get pregnant and it taking a long time or if my doctor is just not being proactive enough and telling me that I'm young and I will have a baby soon. What do you think?