Terrible wife?

My husband and I have been ttc for a long time. 18 months into ttc I was diagnosed with pcos, insulin resistance, and high blood pressure; within the last 2 1/2 years I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism, hyper aldosteronism, and had 2 tumors removed. After being told I had pcos, I begged my husband to get a sperm analysis to be sure he was ok; for years he refused and eventually I stopped asking. So we started seeing a RE about 6 months ago and she ordered a sperm analysis; surprisingly he did it. The results came back and he's fine which I'm really happy about. At the same time though a small part of me wanted there to be something wrong so that our infertility and loss of our only pregnancy wouldn't be completely my fault. I do feel bad about hoping the sperm analysis would reveal an issue. Does this make me a terrible wife? Should I tell him and risk upsetting him?

-He is a recently diagnosed type 2 diabetic, but the RE was happy with the numbers from the SA.