Has this happened to anyone?

Katelynn • Lost our first at 11 weeks 6 days. Our sweet baby is in heaven.
So this morning I unexpectedly woke up at 6:15 an hour earlier than normal. I needed to use the restroom but I never did. I took my temp and fell back asleep. My temp at 6:15 am was 98.11, then an hour later my alarm went off at my normal time 7:15am to get up and I took my temp, it was 97.97. So my question is which temperature would I use? The only reason why I'm asking from my understanding you are supposed to have 3 hours of uninterrupted sleep but because I fell right back asleep and did not get up do I use my 6:15 temp or my 7:15 temp? I have posted a pic of my chart after ovulation with my 6:15 temp.