It's long but worth to read!!!

I am 31 weeks yesterday at 10pm it was very hard for me to sleep, I couldn't get comfortable to save my life. All night I tossed and turned my stomach begins to hurt really really bad. Around 5am when it was time to my husband to get ready for work I went to the bathroom and I had diarrhea. Then I being to throw up nothing but clear fluids constantly until it was nothing and I was about to chock. I begun to start cramping on the way to drop my husband to work. As soon as I got down the street i had to pull over and throw up again it was clear fluids with a horrible taste. So I began to speed to the hospital on my way to the hospital I begun to have very close contractions, I barely could walk when I got out the car. I was waiting in the ER crying the pain was so bad the baby was moving so much badly it hurted like hell. They rushed me to LD room said I was in labor. I did not worry at all about anything because I  am strong believer in God. So they hooked me up to the machine and yeap I was contracting very close, the baby was doing great. The lady came in to prep me for labor and ask will I like a steroid shot for the baby lungs. I told her no and that I will not be having the baby today because God told me I will be having a successful birth not to worry. I started the IV and felt better. The contractions was still painful but I was fine. The contractions slowed down and my doctor came in to check me and said you are not dilated, your cervix is up, closed and hard. I got more fluid and ate and was out the door. The problem was I lack drinking water and it triggered for me to start labor. 
This is to let everyone know that you don't have to be fearful, scared, stressed or worried. God words is what matter I been walking by his word and his word along because I have big fibroids they told me that I will give birth by 23 weeks because no room. The baby pushed them out his way, and they shrunk. God exalt his word above his name when you pray pray the word of God over you and your unborn. The devil don't like to see good done for no one so he purposely try his best but God is our refuge, strong tower, and the bible says he will never leave us or forsake us. Stop crying and stressing over what the doctor say. God got you if you allow him. Below is a little prayer you can say everyday and I guarantee you by the blood of lamb your baby will be okay. 
Father god I come to you humble as I know repenting confessing my sin in John 1:9 you said that if I confess my sin you are faithful and will forgive me. Lord I lift up my unborn child ____________ that you have blessed me with, that you open my womb to prepare a beautiful gift for me. Lord in psalms 127:3 it's says that children are a blessing and a gift to reward me. I may not deserve it but I thank you because some people are trying and unable but you blessed me with this gift. Guide me to be a great parent, protect us from evil, infirmity, and the things of this world. Lord you said in Isaiah 54:17 no weapon formed against me and my unborn shall prosper. I rebuke early birth, still born, undeveloped body parts, or anything that come our way. he/she is healthy in the name of Jesus. I am blessed and will be able to provide for he/she. I bind up high blood pressure, sugar, emergency csections, anything that put my pregnancy in danger. I loose love, peace, and a successful birth in the name of Jesus. Your word says that your word will never return to you void but it shall prosper in the name of Jesus. Thank you for hearing my prayer and I love you for all things good and bad. Please keep us in the name of Jesus. AMEN!!! 
If you all have prayer request you can call the prayer line and give me your request and I surely will pray for you. Saturday's at 6pm and Monday at 7pm. Join in I give a word of encouragement and then I pray for all!!! Good bless